This Sustainability Report follows the latest Global Reporting Initiative standard (GRI G4), and the In Accordance Core option. The GRI is the most widely accepted framework for voluntary reporting of an organization’s economic, environmental and social performance.

This report covers APRIL Group’s operations in Indonesia, where our manufacturing, fiber plantations and conservation areas are located and where we have significant engagement with the community and the surrounding environment.

We note that the GRI standard includes disclosure of the company’s economic performance indicators. However, it has not been APRIL Group’s practice, as a private company, to publicly disclose our financial performance.

This report focuses on the company’s progress as well as the challenges faced in implementing our economic, environmental and social responsibilities for the period from the beginning of 2013 to the end of 2014. The report follows our biennial cycle to allow the inclusion of APRIL Group’s Sustainable Forest Management Policy (SFMP) launched in January 2014.

Our 2012 Sustainability Report was published in September 2013.
