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This year, International Women’s Day recognizes the centrality of gender equality, women’s empowerment and the realization of women’s right in achieving sustainable development under the theme “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”.

Sustainability is key to our business, as is female empowerment: one of the commitments of our APRIL2030 vision is Inclusive Progress, which includes targets to empower our people and communities through transformative initiatives in healthcare, education and gender inclusion.

Celebrating International Women’s Day, we spoke to some of the women in APRIL who share their inspiring stories on how they are able play an equal and leading role in making the world more sustainable.

Artauli Agustina – Conservationist

“It all began when I was 15 and joined a nature-lover club in my first year of senior high school. From that day on, I knew I wanted to do something worthwhile for the environment. My passion has brought me to work as an Environment Officer in APRIL since 2012. I’m the only female specialist working with 13 other Environmental Officers in APRIL and each day is proven to be an adventure. My day-to-day involves going deep into the forest with a high possibility for wildlife encounters, and even sleeping in a tent in a middle of the jungle. Moreover, I am expected to also engage various communities and educate them on the best way to protect Earth. There’s never a dull moment at my job! For 10 years, there isn’t a single day I thought of quitting: I’m grateful for my opportunity to grow together with my company.”

YinYing H’ng – Researcher

“When I first joined APRIL as a Researcher back in 2017, I never expected that the company would grant me an opportunity to undertake year-long post-doctoral research in Finland. APRIL Group is the first company I work with after getting my PhD in chemical engineering at the age of 31. I never really planned to continue pursuing my studies, but the company saw how I love learning about science and offered me the opportunity. At the age of 34, I finished my Postdoc study and went back to APRIL to practice the knowledge that I have gained. I am beyond grateful to have been chosen to work with a company that not only can see my potential, but also gives me the opportunity to fully reach it. Working in the R&D department, there is no such things as a gender gap because the company is always giving equal opportunity for us to aim higher. How the company treats us is reflected in our attitude: the female staff here put in the work and prove ourselves rather than asking for special treatment.”

Ika Citra Marlia – Sustainability Expert

“I joined APRIL in 2019 as one of the candidates in the first batch of the APRIL Sustainability Professional Readiness (ASPiRE). After completing the program, I was directly involved in formulating APRIL2030 as a Project Management Officer. It was such an exciting process as we designed everything from scratch. We deliberated each target, baseline and action plan until it was ready to officially launch back in 2020. It was such an honor for me. Since the day I joined this company, I felt that working in APRIL would support my personal agenda to learn more about sustainability and to act on it, and I was right. Working in APRIL, I realize more and more that sustainability is not only about how to preserve the environment, it’s more than the plastic campaign or go green campaign we see on social media, it’s not only about poverty alleviation, also more than the ‘save the world from hunger’ fundraising events. Sustainability is about all those things, but most importantly it is about changing our behavior so the world we are living in can sustain global rising population economically, environmentally and socially in the most affordable way possible. And as a new mom, I know that my knowledge and experience in promoting sustainability will be one of the most valuable legacies to pass to my daughter.”

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